September 13, 2004



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Ever have your computer do something, leaving you thinking, "What the..."?

If you are the kind of person who wants to know the little things about computers -- what makes them tick, how to use it a bit more efficiently, how to use supposedly simple devices -- then this newsletter is for you. It is a weekly newsletter meant to educate those typically not immersed in the tech field of home and business computers.

After hearing from a great number of people -- all of whom I thank for your feedback -- you will be seeing a myriad of topics in this newsletter in the coming months. We'll be covering keyboard commands and shortcuts, looking for lost files, troubleshooting basic problems, configuring Windows to run maintenance programs that would allow your system perform more consistently, anti-virus and anti-spyware programs, and a whole lot more.

As well, there will be ample room for feedback from you. The purpose of this newsletter is to inform and what good is information if it doesn't appeal to the reader? There is a great number of intelligent people who use computers and would not require much tutelage to use it far more to their advantage. But where do they find out how to do these things without paying great amounts for a course that would take time away from their already-busy lives?

So, every week, you can look forward to some instruction that guides you towards better understanding without the pains of someone looking over your shoulder or wondering why someone is speaking to you in geek-speak.

If you'd like to receive this newsletter, click on the subscribe button below (it will bring up an e-mail to me) and just click send. In the days of wondering how safe your e-mail address is, you have nothing to worry here: I just want to know who would like to receive the newsletter. I have no interest in having anyone else acquire your e-mail address. No one will be getting it from me. Also, if you think someone else might be interested in this newsletter, or could benefit from it, forward it to them and if they'd like to participate, they can click on the subscribe link as well. Anyone who does not click on subscribe won't be receiving this anymore.

Thanks for your interest. Have a great day and see you next week!

All the best,

Sean Beggs


If you would like to subscribe to this newsletter, click here.

© Copyright 2004, Sean Beggs